Congratulations and best of luck to Dr. Steve Bernier!

Congratulations to Dr. Steve Bernier on his new role as Scientific Advisor at Fonds de solidarité FTQ!

Steve has been in the Surette laboratory for 10 years. He began as a Post-Doctoral Fellow researching the competitive interactions between bacterial pathogens in the cystic fibrosis lower airways, and later as a Scientific Project Manager and Scientist mining the human microbiome for potential novel molecules or probiotic strains to become new therapeutics. During his time in the lab he not only led his own projects to successful peer-reviewed publications but also collaborated with numerous labs at McMaster through the IIDR and Farncombe Institute and trained several undergraduate and graduate students in the Surette lab.

While we were all sad to see Steve leave this summer, we are excited for all that this new opportunity brings for him and his family. All the best, Steve!


Congratulations to Eugene on successfully defending his MSc!